This website is the property of and is supplied by:
Alurac Sp. z o.o. Company,
15 Powązkowska St.
01-797 Warszawa
The purpose of website and its specific pages is to provide general information on the Alurac sp. z o.o. Company (hereinafter: Alurac) and its products and services.
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Opening and browsing any page of the Alurac website is equal to accepting restrictions and Conditions of Use provided below. If you do not agree with any of the Conditions of Use, please do not use this website. We recommend you to visit our website and familiarise with valid Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy as they are legally binding. Information about the Alurac Company and its products and services presented on the Alurac website should not be understood as a form of advisory, consultancy, recommendation, or offer of products and services. Information on products and services presented on the Mas Design website are general information on theAlurac Company’s business activity.
Limitation of liability
In order to provide accurate information and current data on its website, the Alurac Company designs and will design its website with due diligence. Unless stated otherwise, information and data available on the Alurac website are of information nature only and do not constitute as a basis for legally binding relations or establishment of such relations. The Alurac Company also reserves the right to change the content of website at any given time and in any way regardless of reason and without prior notification. The website’s user uses the available data solely at their own risk. The Alurac Company and any other legal or natural person, who took part in designing and/or publishing of the website is not liable in any way for any possible damages that may result from or are related to the access, use, or inability to utilise information contained on the website.
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Alurac website can contain information from third parties and links to websites of such parties. We can mark such links in appropriate way provided that we will recognise such action as necessary. Alurac Company is not familiar with the content of third-party websites and therefore is not liable in any way for information contained on such websites. The ability to connect with a third-party website not belonging to the Akurac Company does not mean that the Alurac Company recommends such website, products, or services mentioned on third party websites. The user using such links to gain access to third party websites does so at his own responsibility.
Intellectual property rights Alurac website’s content is protected with a copyright. Information contained on this website cannot be copied, displayed, downloaded, modified, duplicated, or distributed in any other way for commercial purposes without clear written permission of the Alurac Company, subject to a non-commercial use for personal purposes. Any actions violating the copyright are prohibited. Names of brands and trademarks present on this website are registered trademarks of the Alurac Company or the Alurac Company has the right to use them.